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On sait depuis longtemps que travailler avec du texte lisible et contenant du sens est source de distractions, et empêche de se concentrer sur la mise en page elle-même. L'avantage du Lorem Ipsum sur un texte générique comme 'Du texte. Du texte. Du texte.' est qu'il possède une distribution de lettres plus ou moins normale, et en tout cas comparable avec celle du français standard. De nombreuses suites logicielles de mise en page ou éditeurs de sites Web ont fait du Lorem Ipsum leur faux texte par défaut, et une recherche pour 'Lorem Ipsum' vous conduira vers de nombreux sites qui n'en sont encore qu'à leur phase de construction. Plusieurs versions sont apparues avec le temps, parfois par accident, souvent intentionnellement (histoire d'y rajouter de petits clins d'oeil, voire des phrases embarassantes).

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The Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS conducts applied research on high-performance ceramics. The institute‘s three sites in Dresden and Hermsdorf (Thuringia) represent Europe‘s largest R&D institution dedicated to ceramics. As a research and technology service provider, Fraunhofer IKTS develops modern ceramic high-performance materials, customized industrial manufacturing processes and creates prototype components and systems in complete production lines from laboratory to pilot-plant scale. Furthermore, the institute has expertise in diagnostics and testing of materials and processes. A major research focus of Fraunhofer IKTS is the development and prototype roduction of ceramic membranes. The institute is focused on the development of membranes for microfiltration (MF), ultrafiltration (UF), nanofiltration (NF), organic solvent nanofiltration (OSN), vapor permeation (VP), pervaporation (PV), gas separation (GS), membrane distillation (MD), membrane based extraction (membrane contactor) and membrane adsorption. In CUMERI IKTS is responsible among others for the development of ceramic supports and membranes for liquid filtration, gas permeation and membrane extraction application. This includes material and membrane development, synthesis and testing. In addition, test facilities must be developed and built for this purpose. IKTS also contributes to the module development of gas-separating membranes.

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TECNALIA is the largest centre of applied research and technological development in Spain, a benchmark in Europe and a member of the Basque Research and Technology Alliance. We collaborate with companies and institutions to improve their competitiveness, people's quality of life and achieve sustainable growth. We do it thanks to a team made up of more than 1,500 people (44% women – 56% men) who are passionate about technology and committed to building a better society. Our main scopes of action are: smart manufacturing, digital transformation, energy transition, sustainable mobility, health and food, urban ecosystem and circular economy. Our mission is to transform technological research into prosperity; TECNALIA's research has a real impact on society and generates benefits in the form of quality of life and progress. And we work with the purpose of building a better world through technological research and innovation. TECNALIA’s research has a real impact on society and provides specific solutions to the major global challenges.TECNALIA’s role in the project is to produce PEBA type polymeric membrane. During polymer synthesis phase, TECNALIA will assist partners who synthetized the polymers by the preparation, characterization and testing of dense polymeric films. In a second phase, TECNALIA will work on the optimization of a spinning recipe for the fabrication of hollow fiber membranes with the selected PEBA-polymer, which will be later on transferred to the partner in charge of scaling up and production of the hollow fiber membranes for the prototype.

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Universiteit Maastricht

The task of Maastricht University is to make bio-based and recyclable polymers for membranes for CO2 permeation, building further on the polyether-block-polyamide copolymer chemistry developed in BIOCOMEM. The role of UM is the synthesis and design of biobased copolymer precursors that can be processed into membranes with improved mechanical, thermal and permeation properties, as well as the chemical and physical polymer characterization. Recycling of the membrane polymers via chemical and enzymatic ways will also be studied. UM will work closely together with Technalia in Spain who will use the developed polymers in order to process them into membranes. Based on their feedback, the synthesis work will be tuned. UM will also transfer its knowledge to partners responsible for upscaling of the polymers.

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Sintef AS (SINTEF)

SINTEF is a broad, multidisciplinary research organisation with international top-level expertise in the fields of technology, the natural sciences, medicine, and the social sciences. SINTEF conducts contract R&D as a partner for the private and public sectors. It is one of the largest independent contract research institutions in Europe with over 2000 employees. In CUMERI, SINTEF's main contribution is to perform the environmental and social impact assessments.

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Ereğli Demir ve Çelik Fabrikaları T.A.Ş (Erdemir) started production on 15 May 1965 at its facilities established in Karadeniz Ereğli in order to meet the country’s requirement for flat steel. Today, Erdemir operates as Turkey’s largest integrated flat steel producer under the umbrella of our Mining Metallurgy Companies. Erdemir, which was Turkey’s first flat steel producer, and its affiliates, İsdemir, Erdemir Maden, Erdemir Çelik Servis Merkezi, Erdemir Engineering, Erdemir Romania, Erdemir Asia Pacific, Erdemir Energy, İsdemir Linde Gas Partnership and Kümaş Manyezit. Erdemir produces hot and cold rolled flat steel, plate, tin, chrome and galvanized coated sheet to international quality standards backed by the experience gained in its deeply rooted history going back more than 56 years. The company is one of the world’s most important steel producers with a crude steel capacity of 4 million tons and finished product capacity of 5 million tons.

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Saint-Gobain Performance Ceramics & Refractories is a strong international group and leader in the design, development and manufacturing of the highest performing solutions for extreme operating conditions. We strive to deliver value through our global technical expertise and the long-term partnerships we form with our customers. We have been providing unique and high added value silicon carbide-based solutions for decades, including the first-to-market recrystallized silicon carbide (R-SiC) product. This outstanding ceramic forms the basis of our Crystar® filtration technology. Crystar® FT is designed for liquid purity, security, and sustainability. The demands of filtration have changed dramatically over the years, as a growing global population forces industries to adopt more demanding processing capabilities to satisfy the needs of global sustainability efforts. Consequently our role in the CUMERI project will be to support the development of new Silicon Carbide membrane to be used in the gas filtration area. For that we will provide Crystar® SiC membrane with tuned pore size at 50 nm to be used as a support of the final separation layer.

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B4Plastics (B4P) is a polymer architecture company, catalyzing the introduction of novel bio-materials, and growing them from niche to dominant bulk applications. As an architect creates your dream house, we create your dream plastic. Our facilities: - Polymer architecture lab for biomaterial development and biotech lab for accelerated biodegrdation tests - In-house B4P pilot plants for multi-kg test quantities - B4P started investing in ton-scale demonstration of new priorietary strong and rubbery degradable plastics.

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A-membranes is a startup cleantech company pushing innovative membrane filtration technology - compatible with harsh chemical production environments - as an alternative to industrial energy-intens product separation processes such as distillation. We graft ceramic membranes by adding organic groups to the membrane’s surface. This way wee tailor the interactions of the surface with molecules in the feed. Focussing on high retentions or on anti-fouling surfaces, we create unique tailored low-energy separation solutions. Our solutions are applciable in organic solvent environments as well as in aqueous streams.

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OSILUB is a hazardous waste treatment plant. We treat used engine oil by a re-refining process. From the waste, we are able to produce minéral bases oils which are used in lubricating industries. The role of OSILUB in the consortium is to test the pilot of filtration of the Used Lubricating Oil and validate the efficiency of the developed process.

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Euroquality is consulting company specialised in european projects setting up and management. It supports technological and methodological innovation within all organisations active in R&D. Euroquality will be responsible for the communication and dissemination activities of the CUMERI project as well as for the management of the project together with the coordinator, VITO.

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FHNW: Process Engineering and Technology

Process engineering and technology teaches, develops, pilot tests and optimises technical processes from life science industries. Ideas need platforms, teaching requires “accessible” technology and a successful proof of concept needs a sizeable initial product sample. The process engineering centre offers all of the above, thus bridging the gap between research and business, and develops and optimises processes, maintaining a direct link to initial and continuing education. New technologies such as flow chemistry and innovative membrane processes are used in addition to traditional thermal separation techniques supplemented by innovative measurement and regulation technology (Industry 4.0) in order to image entire process chains from the very beginning through to the final product. They will also be used for biorefinery, environmental technology, (bio)pharma and processes involving natural substances from autumn 2018.

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VITO (Flemish Institute for Technological Research) is a leading, independent research center implementing client-driven research projects and developing innovative products and processes. It provides high-quality solutions for increased sustainability in the areas of chemistry, environment, materials, food and energy. The institute builds upon the multidisciplinary skills and technological know-how of about 750 researchers. The Business Unit Separation and Conversion Technology, focuses on the integration of conversion (reaction) and separation processes as a process intensification approach towards more sustainable chemistry. The unit has over 20 years of practical experience in the field of membrane science and technology, and covers a wide variety of aqueous as well as organic solvent based membrane processes, down-stream, hybrid or in-process. Their R&D involves development of novel ceramic and polymeric membranes and modules, feasibility studies, pilot testing, process design and modelling. In CUMERI VITO is taking up the role of coordinator, and is responsible for the development of a membrane alternative for used lubricant oil re-refining based on customized grafted ceramic membranes, economic evaluation and pilot demonstration of this innovative process at industrial partner OSILUB.

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Rauschert is a worldwide leading manufacturer of technical ceramics, plastic molded parts and functional components. Since its foundation in 1898, Rauschert has been an independent, owner-managed company. We employ around 1200 people worldwide at more than 20 manufacturing and sales locations. At the Kloster Veilsdorf plant, we develop and produce ceramic membranes for Micro- / Ultra- and Nanofiltration under the Inopor brand.

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MEMSIS has been providing domestic/abroad services since its establishment. We design and manufacture reinforced hollow fiber membranes and submerged membrane bioreactor modules (GENMBR®). We provide design and technical services in domestic – industrial wastewater recycling plant projects. In addition, wastewater treatment plant capacity increase projects continue their activities successfully. We produce innovative solutions to the wastewater problem by using advanced technologies with laboratory and pilot scale systems. MEMS in Turkey will be in charge of the upscale of manufacturing the polymer membranes and polymer membranes final module design.

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Membrane science and technology are becoming more and more significant on a global scale. Production of membranes requires cutting-edge technology, expertise, and knowledge. Membrane technology is still too expensive for widespread application. Current membrane technology costs will decrease as membrane science advances. For a clean future, low-cost high technology is necessary. In order to manufacture membranes, develop modules and processes, provide opportunities for researchers, and advance the field of membrane science internationally, with the assistance of the State Planning Organization of Turkiye and under the supervision of Prof. Ismail Koyuncu, the National Research Center on Membrane Technologies (MEM-TEK) was launched in Istanbul Technical University (ITU) in 2010. MEMTEK`s main role in CUMERI project is the organizing piloting activities for gas separation system and ensuring the PEBA membrane pilot module developments.

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Image: Pollution, source:https://unsplash.com/

Innovation & Advancement

Horizon Europe, a successor to Horizon 2020, is a €100 billion research and innovation program from 2021-2027. It aims to strengthen EU’s scientific and technological base, boost its competitiveness, implement its strategic policy priorities, and contribute to addressing global challenges, including the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Horizon Europe incorporates research and innovation missions to increase funding effectiveness and achieve clearly defined targets.

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